January 2025
Pray to Overcome in Christ’s Name the Heritage of Racism in Metropolitan Richmond.
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28 NRSV)
January 5, 2025. We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: For racial reconciliation, healing, and justice in Metropolitan Richmond. For an end to all personal and structural racial prejudice and discrimination.
January 12, 2025. We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: For the elimination of discrimination in housing, policing, education, employment, transportation, and churches in Metropolitan Richmond.
January 19, 2025. We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: To experience the healing power of Jesus’s resurrection over all personal and institutional results of racism and racial inequality in this metropolitan city.
January 26, 2025. We pray to overcome in Christ’s name the heritage of racism: To overcome ignorance, indifference, resentment, and bitterness with regard to race in both private and public life. To proclaim in word and deed the establishment of a beloved community in Metropolitan Richmond.
February 2025
Pray for the Coming of God’s Realm in Metropolitan Richmond.
Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10 RSV)
February 2, 2025. We pray for the coming of God’s realm in Metropolitan Richmond: For a spirit of unity and cooperation among all people in all jurisdictions. To earnestly seek the common welfare of this metropolitan city. To express compassion and care for our natural environment.
February 9, 2025. We pray for the coming of God’s realm in Metropolitan Richmond: For healthy economic development which enhances the Metropolitan community, employs the unemployed, and contributes to the common good.
February 16, 2025. We pray for the coming of God’s realm in Metropolitan Richmond: For redemption of the divisions, prejudices, pettiness, despair, and discrimination of the past.
February 23, 2025. We pray for the coming of God’s realm in Metropolitan Richmond: For the enhancement of our common life through the Holy Spirit, and for the resurrection of metropolitan Richmond as a modern metropolitan city of hope for the world.
The weekly prayer cycle begins in March each year.